CE Popular Calcium Sterile Foam Hydrofiber Medical Sodium Seaweed Alginate Dressing
Alginate dressing
Alginate dressing is a dressing mixture of alginate fibers and calcium ions from the natural seaweed. When the dressing meets exudates from the wound, a gel could be made on the surface of the wound which could make a durative moist environment for the wound and accelerate the healing of the wound.
Product advantages:
1. Excellent absorbency: It can absorb lots of exudates quickly and lock the microorganism. Alginate dressing can be used for infected wounds.
2. When alginate dressing absorbs exudates from wound, a gel is formed on the surface of wound. It keeps the wound in moist environment, and then accelerates wound healing. Besides there is no adherence to wound and it is easy to be peeled off without pain.
3. The Ca+ in alginate dressing exchanges with Na+ in blood during the exudates absorption. This can activate the prothrombin and accelerate the cruor process.
4. It is soft and elastic, can have complete contact with the wound, and can be used to fill into the cavity wounds.
5. Special sizes and styles can be designed according to customers’ requirements for different clinical needs.
User guide and caution:
1. It is not suitable for dry wounds.
2. Clean the wounds with saline water, and make sure the wound area is clean and dry before using the dressing.
3. Alginate dressing should be 2cm larger than the wound area.
4. It is suggested to put the dressing on wound for maximum one week.
5. When the exudates decrease, it is suggested to change to another kind of dressing, such as foam dressing or hydrocolloid dressing.
6. Check the size, depth of cavity wound before using alginate strip. Fill the wound from bottom without any wound space left, or it may affect the wound healing.
7. Special sizes and styles can be designed according to customers’ requirements for different clinical needs.
Dressing changing
The frequency of changing alginate dressing is based on the gel situation. If there is no too much exudate, the dressing can be changed every 2-4 days.